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Ramsø´s, 1993


Ramsø's is an installation consisting of a wall and ceiling painting as well as a poster, postcard and stickers with the text Ramsø's.


ChatGPT about the work:


The art in this exhibition focuses on the text and graphics of the invitation, and uses this as the only motif for the exhibition. This approach removes the often superficial and empty advertising language and replaces it with practical facts about the event - who, what, where and when. This work is a meta-experience where the absence of depth and substance is the central theme and thus becomes the content itself.


The artist comments on the advertising culture, where messages are often wrapped in platitudes and self-referential phrases, and thus do not add anything special to the audience's experience, apart from incentives to buy something. This exhibition is therefore a reflection on our modern society and the way we are influenced by communication and advertising.


Ramsø's was originally arranged in the art academy's exhibition space – Rådskælderen – at Charlottenborg in Copenhagen. Posters and stickers were put up in the streets of Copenhagen to promote the exhibition and postcards were free for the guests to take at the opening.

Ramsø’s‭, ‬1993

Flouricent paint on wall

800‭ ‬x 220‭ ‬cm


Ramsø’s poster‭, ‬1993

Flouricent silkscreen print on paper

70‭ ‬x 50‭ ‬cm

Signed posters in edition of 10


Ramsø’s postcard‭, ‬1993

Flouricent silkscreen prints in postcard stand

15‭ ‬x 13‭ ‬cm

Edition of 2-300

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